Michelle Varaidzo Tarumbidzwa Chikurunhe

Michelle Varaidzo Tarumbidzwa Chikurunhe

“Education brought her old self back and rejuvenated our motherly and daughter relationship and in a way she is my role model and I call her Iron Lady.” Tell us about yourself. My name is Michelle Varaidzo Tarumbidzwa Chikurunhe , I come from one of the high density...
Raidat Karim

Raidat Karim

“Through education, I have been able to create solutions which will create opportunities for children who do not have the opportunities I have had.” Tell us about yourself. I am Raidat Karim, a doctoral candidate with the African Leadership Centre at King’s...
Alex Kent

Alex Kent

“I think about the times when I slipped out of the mundane into the magical – and it is usually because of a ‘teacher’ who believed in me.” For the past year Alex has been a co-CEO at Restless Development, having led as their Strategy Director before that....
Dr. Liesbet Steer

Dr. Liesbet Steer

“I was deeply moved by the culture and dedication of parents to give their children an education – often at very high personal cost” Dr. Liesbet Steer is the Executive Director of the Education Commission, chaired by former UK Prime Minister and UN...
Giovanna Luize Basso Dias

Giovanna Luize Basso Dias

“Girls are the key to change in the world because when a mother knows how to read, so will the child. And that is how we transform education.” The first thing you need to know about me is that I am the eldest daughter of the eldest daughter of the eldest daughter. Now...
Sia Christina Nyandemoh

Sia Christina Nyandemoh

“A person’s life can be improved by education. It is likely the most crucial instrument for altering one’s life.” My name is Sia Christiana Nyandemoh. I was a volunteer in 2014 during the Ebola Surge in Sierra Leone. I then served as Field Lead...