To The Honorable Prime Minister of IndiaH.E. Mr. Narendra Modi Subject – Request to formulate India’s National Statement of Commitment for the Transforming Education Summit Respected Sir, I am Srijani Datta, an undergraduate student of Sociology at Hindu...
Kaigama Ismael’s letter to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Cameroon
To Prime Minister of the Republic of CameroonH.E Joseph Dion Ngute RE: Call to action on transforming education system in Cameroon Dear Mr. Prime Minister, it is commonly known that quality, inclusive, and modern education is required for sustainable development....
Next Generation fellows at the Transforming Education Pre-Summit
I attended the pre-summit held in Paris – France from the 28-30 June 2022. I want to use this space to reflect back on what happened and share some of my key takeaways across the three days of the pre-summit and note a few key recommendations as we plan for the coming summit in September.
Putting Young People at the Heart of the Drive to Transform Education
We believe everybody has a right to learn. The upcoming Transforming Education Summit offers a chance for us to redesign our education systems so they are fit for a rapidly evolving 21st century world, but to be truly transformative, it must be shaped and led by children and young people.
The Unlock Declaration
A dozen major international youth-led and youth-focused organizations have joined forces to put their collective power behind a shared commitment to cooperation in the interests of the next and future generations. The Unlock Declaration has been signed by leaders of...
Unlock the Future
“We need our leaders to put on their big boy pants…” Hilda Nakabuye, the founder of Fridays for Future Uganda pulled no punches at the virtual Unlock the Future event, co-hosted by the Next Generation Fellows to coincide with the 76th United Nations General Assembly....