This Contract is designed to kickstart collective action for future generations, starting with the 10.9 billion people yet to be born this century. 

It sets out: 

  • Commitments by young people for the future 
  • A call to action for all leaders to protect the needs and aspirations of future generations 
  • A 5-point plan for the multilateral system to start working across time

We invite you to join us in our mission to advance a Common Agenda for Future Generations by signing this Contract, and by using it as a basis for intergenerational dialogue and movement building (#ContractForOurFuture).

Contract For Our Future

A shared commitment to future generations can help us to rise above an exhausting cycle of never-ending crises; foster solidarity between people of all ages and cultures; and shape a better future for people and planet. Make your commitment to future generations today.

This Contract was co-created by young people from around the world.

It is inspired by the outcomes of the pilot Future Generations Leadership Accelerator program, which was launched by Bianca Goebel and Taylor Hawkins (Foundations for Tomorrow) with the support of the Office of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales and the Unlock the Future coalition, in April 2022.

Over 350 young people participated in this program, with 170 actively contributing ideas for this Contract.

We are grateful to everyone who offered their energy, opinions, and support for this Contract including:

The United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres for renewing political interest in “intergenerational solidarity” through his Our Common Agenda report and for his consistent efforts to empower young people to be designers of their own future.

The Secretary-General’s High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism for championing long-term, ambitious thinking in the multilateral system.

Bianca Goebel and Taylor Hawkins, and the whole team at Foundations for Tomorrow, for their dedication and leadership in this space. The Office of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales for pioneering future generations’ decision-making at the national level and championing future thinking at the global level.

The young leaders of the Unlock the Future coalition and beyond who participated in the pilot of the Future Generations Leadership Accelerator program and are actively working to shape a better future for all.

A brilliant team of thought leaders, of all ages, who helped to draft this Contract: Aishwarya Machani, 2021 UN Foundation Next Generation Fellow; Alisha Bhagat, Futurist and Senior Strategist, Forum for the Future; Aya Chebbi, Founder, Nala Feminist Collective; Bojan Francuz, Programme Director, Center on International Cooperation; David Steven, Senior Fellow, UN Foundation; Francesca Reynolds, Management Consultant and Founder of Impart; Harshani Dharmadasa, Senior Director, Global Partnerships and Initiatives, UN Foundation; Intissar Kherigi, Co-founder, Jasmine Foundation; Jacob Ellis, Lead Change Maker, Office of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales; Makanalani Gomes, Co-chair, Indigenous Youth Caucus; Njeri Mwagiru, Senior Futurist, Stellenbosch University; Nudhara Yusuf, GGIN Facilitator, Stimson Center; Rahul Chandran, Vice President, Export Development Canada; Rim Menia, Coordinator, Nala Feminist Collective; Trisha Shetty, President of the Steering Committee, Paris Peace Forum; Valeria Colunga, 2021 UN Foundation Next Generation Fellow; and members of the Future Generations Leadership Academy.

The team at the UN Foundation who supported the development and launch of this Contract: Jane Frewer, Lewis Broadway, Rochelle Atizado, Pelle Enarsson.

Help us Kickstart Collective Action for Future Generations

We call on thinkers and activists of all ages to sign the Contract for Our Future by completing the form here and join our mission to champion intergenerational co-leadership, and the interests of future generations.