The Global Youth Storytelling And Research Lab

by | SDG Summit

This initiative brings together the power of collaboration and campaigning to drive accelerated action towards the SDGs.

The Lab a collaborative research and storytelling lab based at Penn State, will be designed to facilitate connections between academia, youth social and environmental movements, and NGO advocates in the service of solution-oriented research and implementation which connects youth initiatives with greater opportunity and support.

By doing so, the impact of these initiatives will be increased, advancing progress towards the SDGs.

In partnership with this Lab, a campaign will be run called “It is On Us.”

It will be a mass campaign calling everybody to act to help achieve the global goals, helping people across all age groups to clearly understand the role that they can play in contributing to action towards the SDGs.

Mark Ortiz

Mark Ortiz

President’s Postdoctoral Fellow focusing on youth climate movements, climate change politics and intergenerational ethics, youth digital cultures, and social media organizing. Age: 25-29 // Country: USA